In my company, every calls, trainings, webinars, start by talking about the entrepreneurial mindset, commitment, drive and focus. Then, they talk about strategies, tools and skills!
Is it boring you? Think about it for a moment.
There are 97% of the internet marketers, online workers or home based business beginners failed to succeed and stop their business after 120 days or so! It is absolutely crazy! It appears these people did not develop the entrepreneurial mindset essential to succeed.
Top earners don't know everything (for sure....even if they know a lot) but, they usually went through the same steps than us, they saw a lot of newbie’s before us, and as a consequence, they know that the personal state, development and mindset are CRITICAL to succeed!
That is why there is part, in all the tranings, which speech about that and repeat to us what it takes to succeed. So, it is our own responsibility to integrate that, create a empowered state in our mind, in our body, to find all our resources to follow through and reach our outcomes.
That could seem trivial, but for sure it is not. For at least several month, we need to accept to work a lot (and we MUST work a lot), to accept to have no results, no comments about our articles, our posts, no feedback from our videos, and no LEADS!
We need to accept that our great idea is not seen by others, except initiates.
You know that everyone claiming that you will be able to make a lot of money in a few weeks is a pusher of clouds, or a scammer!
I will share examples later (in another post), but for now, think about these questions
- Do you have a clear WHY you started your small home based business and more generally started your own internet marketing business (webmarketing/emarketing)?
- Do you have a clear and precise plan for the next days, weeks, months?
- Do you have a clear commitment to succeed whatever will be the frustrated moment you will face?- Do you have the drive to work each day, to take massive actions?
- Do you have the focus to use all your energy to orientate your action in the way to reach your outcome, to concentrate on specific strategies, and not try many different things, strategies, tools?
- Do you use the incredible power of you unconscious mind?
In fact, I really like the last question and subject of unconscious mind. It is incredible powerful to develop the entrepreneurial mindset required to succeed in any kind of business.
I will give you next times some really easy tools that I use every single day that I took from personal coaching (tools from Anthony Robbins, and also my dear love, who is also a personal coach)
Lelia Raynal
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